### Code Reference
- URL:p133 DM8系统管理员手册
- DESC:达梦(禁用|启动)constraint(和oracle的语法有些差异)
- Last Update:2020-7-2 15:54
- 四种状态
- disable novalidate 既不会约束新增数据也不会验证已有数据,等同于disable
- enable novalidate 约束新增数据但不会验证已有数据
- disable validate 约束新增数据但不会验证已有数据,启用后禁止DML
- enable validate 约束新增数据并验证已有数据,等同于enable
- 设置 constraint 状态
select * from SYS.DBA_CONSTRAINTS T where T.TABLE_NAME = 'WhichCanEncrypt';alter table test."WhichCanEncrypt" enable|disable constraint "CK_6_1";
- 四种状态
### Code Reference
- DESC:dameng 修改check constraint 状态过程
- Last Update:2020-7-2 16:56
- 接口(pi_mode 为0是置check constraint 为disable,其他为置为enable)
call “TEST”.“disposeCheckConstraint”(‘TEST’,‘WhichCanEncrypt’,1); - 授权
grant execute on test.“disposeCheckConstraint” to PUBLIC;
grant select on SYS.DBA_CONSTRAINTS to public; - 实现
create or replace procedure test."disposeCheckConstraint"("pv_schemaName" varchar2(100),"pv_tableName" varchar2(100),"pi_mode" number(1)) asdeclare type L_cursortyp is ref cursor;L_cursor L_cursortyp;Lv_sql varchar2(200);Lv_disposeMode varchar2(200):=0;beginif "pi_mode" = 0 thenLv_disposeMode := '" DISABLE CONSTRAINT "';elseLv_disposeMode := '" ENABLE CONSTRAINT "';end if;open L_cursor forselect 'ALTER TABLE "' || "OWNER" || '"."' || "TABLE_NAME" ||Lv_disposeMode || "CONSTRAINT_NAME" || '"'from SYS.DBA_CONSTRAINTS Twhere 1 = 1and T.OWNER = "pv_schemaName"and T.TABLE_NAME = "pv_tableName"and T.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'C';loopfetch L_cursorinto Lv_sql;exit when L_cursor%notfound;beginexecute IMMEDIATE Lv_sql;print Lv_sql;exceptionwhen others thennull;end;end loop;close L_cursor;end;
- 接口(pi_mode 为0是置check constraint 为disable,其他为置为enable)