
2024-05-28 20:44





  • 前言
    • all/gui.py
    • lexical_analysis.py
      • 导入库
      • 定义辅助函数 `analyze_token`
      • 定义词法分析函数 `lexical_analysis`
      • 测试代码
      • 总结
    • ll1_analysis.py
      • 定义 `Type` 类
      • 判断是否是终结符
      • 初始化函数
      • 打印分析栈和剩余字符
      • 分析函数
      • LL1 分析函数
      • 测试代码
      • 总结
    • lr0_analysis.py
      • 导入库和定义函数
      • 代码解释
        • 初始化 LR(0) 分析表和其他变量
        • 辅助函数
        • 主分析逻辑
      • 总结
    • operator_precedence_analysis.py
      • 导入库和定义函数
      • 代码解释
        • 定义优先级表和辅助函数
        • 初始化输出字符串
        • 主分析逻辑
      • 总结
    • 完整代码
      • all/analysis_functions/lexical_analysis.py
      • all/analysis_functions/ll1_analysis.py
      • all/analysis_functions/lr0_analysis.py
      • all/analysis_functions/operator_precedence_analysis.py
      • all/gui.py


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import gradio as grfrom all.analysis_functions.lexical_analysis import lexical_analysis
from all.analysis_functions.ll1_analysis import ll1_analysis
from all.analysis_functions.lr0_analysis import lr0_analysis
from all.analysis_functions.operator_precedence_analysis import operator_precedence_analysis# Define your input and output components for the Gradio interface
with gr.Blocks() as demo:# 词法分析标签with gr.Tab("词法分析"):lex_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入源代码")lex_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")lex_button = gr.components.Button("开始分析")lex_button.click(lexical_analysis, inputs=lex_input, outputs=lex_output)with gr.Column():  # 右边一列是输出gr.Examples(examples=[["""int a = 10;float b = 5.5;if (a < b) {cout << "a is less than b" << endl;}else if (a == b){cout << "a is equal to b" <<endl;}else {cout << "a is greater than b" << endl;)"""],["""int x = 5; int y = 10; int z = x + y;"""],["""for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {cout << i << endl;}"""],["""int a = 5;int b = 10;int c = a * b;cout << c << endl;"""],],inputs=lex_input)# LL1语法分析标签with gr.Tab("LL1语法分析"):# ll1_grammar_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入文法")ll1_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")ll1_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")ll1_button = gr.components.Button("使用LL1进行分析")# ll1_button.click(ll1_analysis, inputs=[ll1_grammar_input, ll1_sentence_input], outputs=ll1_output)ll1_button.click(ll1_analysis, inputs=[ll1_sentence_input], outputs=ll1_output)with gr.Column():  # 右边一列是输出gr.Examples(examples=[["i+i*i#"],["i*i+i#"],["i+i*(i+i)#"],["i#"],],inputs=ll1_sentence_input)# 算符优先语法分析标签with gr.Tab("算符优先语法分析"):# op_grammar_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入文法")op_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")op_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")op_button = gr.components.Button("使用算符优先方法进行分析")# op_button.click(operator_precedence_analysis, inputs=[op_grammar_input, op_sentence_input], outputs=op_output)op_button.click(operator_precedence_analysis, inputs=[op_sentence_input], outputs=op_output)with gr.Column():  # 右边一列是输出gr.Examples(examples=[["i+i*i#"],["i+(i*i)#"],["i+i*(i+i)#"],["i+(i*ii)#"],],inputs=op_sentence_input)# LR0语法分析标签with gr.Tab("LR0语法分析"):# lr0_grammar_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入文法")lr0_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")lr0_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")lr0_button = gr.components.Button("使用LR0进行分析")# lr0_button.click(lr0_analysis, inputs=[lr0_grammar_input, lr0_sentence_input], outputs=lr0_output)lr0_button.click(lr0_analysis, inputs=[lr0_sentence_input], outputs=lr0_output)with gr.Column():  # 右边一列是输出gr.Examples(examples=[["bccd#"],["bccdd#"],["bdd#"],["E#"],],inputs=lr0_sentence_input)

这个代码片段展示了一个使用 Gradio 库构建的小型语法编译器的界面。这个编译器包含四个主要功能:词法分析、LL1 语法分析、算符优先语法分析和 LR0 语法分析。每个功能都在一个单独的标签页中实现,用户可以在这些标签页中输入源代码或句子,并点击按钮进行分析。以下是代码的详细解释:

  1. 导入库和函数

    import gradio as gr
    from all.analysis_functions.lexical_analysis import lexical_analysis
    from all.analysis_functions.ll1_analysis import ll1_analysis
    from all.analysis_functions.lr0_analysis import lr0_analysis
    from all.analysis_functions.operator_precedence_analysis import operator_precedence_analysis
  2. 创建 Gradio 界面

    with gr.Blocks() as demo:
  3. 词法分析标签

    • 输入组件:lex_input 用于输入源代码。
    • 输出组件:lex_output 用于显示分析结果。
    • 按钮组件:lex_button 用于触发词法分析。
    • 示例:提供了一些示例代码,用户可以点击这些示例进行快速测试。
    with gr.Tab("词法分析"):lex_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入源代码")lex_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")lex_button = gr.components.Button("开始分析")lex_button.click(lexical_analysis, inputs=lex_input, outputs=lex_output)with gr.Column():gr.Examples(examples=[["int a = 10;float b = 5.5;if (a < b) { cout << \"a is less than b\" << endl;}else if (a == b){ cout << \"a is equal to b\" <<endl;}else { cout << \"a is greater than b\" << endl;}"],["int x = 5; int y = 10; int z = x + y;"],["for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cout << i << endl; }"],["int a = 5; int b = 10; int c = a * b; cout << c << endl;"],],inputs=lex_input)
  4. LL1 语法分析标签

    • 输入组件:ll1_sentence_input 用于输入句子。
    • 输出组件:ll1_output 用于显示分析结果。
    • 按钮组件:ll1_button 用于触发 LL1 语法分析。
    • 示例:提供了一些示例句子,用户可以点击这些示例进行快速测试。
    with gr.Tab("LL1语法分析"):ll1_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")ll1_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")ll1_button = gr.components.Button("使用LL1进行分析")ll1_button.click(ll1_analysis, inputs=[ll1_sentence_input], outputs=ll1_output)with gr.Column():gr.Examples(examples=[["i+i*i#"],["i*i+i#"],["i+i*(i+i)#"],["i#"],],inputs=ll1_sentence_input)
  5. 算符优先语法分析标签

    • 输入组件:op_sentence_input 用于输入句子。
    • 输出组件:op_output 用于显示分析结果。
    • 按钮组件:op_button 用于触发算符优先语法分析。
    • 示例:提供了一些示例句子,用户可以点击这些示例进行快速测试。
    with gr.Tab("算符优先语法分析"):op_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")op_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")op_button = gr.components.Button("使用算符优先方法进行分析")op_button.click(operator_precedence_analysis, inputs=[op_sentence_input], outputs=op_output)with gr.Column():gr.Examples(examples=[["i+i*i#"],["i+(i*i)#"],["i+i*(i+i)#"],["i+(i*ii)#"],],inputs=op_sentence_input)
  6. LR0 语法分析标签

    • 输入组件:lr0_sentence_input 用于输入句子。
    • 输出组件:lr0_output 用于显示分析结果。
    • 按钮组件:lr0_button 用于触发 LR0 语法分析。
    • 示例:提供了一些示例句子,用户可以点击这些示例进行快速测试。
    with gr.Tab("LR0语法分析"):lr0_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")lr0_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")lr0_button = gr.components.Button("使用LR0进行分析")lr0_button.click(lr0_analysis, inputs=[lr0_sentence_input], outputs=lr0_output)with gr.Column():gr.Examples(examples=[["bccd#"],["bccdd#"],["bdd#"],["E#"],],inputs=lr0_sentence_input)
  7. 启动 Gradio 界面


这个代码片段展示了如何使用 Gradio 库创建一个交互式的语法编译器界面,用户可以通过简单的图形界面进行词法分析和语法分析。


这个 lexical_analysis.py 文件实现了一个简单的词法分析器,用于将输入的源代码分割成词法单元(tokens),并对每个词法单元进行分类和标记。以下是对代码的详细解释:


import re

re 模块是 Python 的正则表达式库,用于模式匹配和字符串操作。

定义辅助函数 analyze_token

def analyze_token(word, token_map, result):if word in token_map:result.append("(保留字--{},{})".format(token_map[word], word))elif word == ";":result.append("(分号--26,{})".format(word))elif word == "=":result.append("(等号--17,{})".format(word))elif word == "+":result.append("(加号--13,{})".format(word))elif word == "-":result.append("(减号--14,{})".format(word))elif word == "*":result.append("(乘号--15,{})".format(word))elif word == "/":result.append("(除号--16,{})".format(word))elif word == "<":result.append("(小于--20,{})".format(word))elif word == ">":result.append("(大于--24,{})".format(word))elif word == "==":result.append("(等于--22,{})".format(word))elif word == "!=":result.append("(不等于--23,{})".format(word))elif word == "<=":result.append("(小于等于--21,{})".format(word))elif word == ">=":result.append("(大于等于--25,{})".format(word))elif word.isdigit():result.append("(整数--11,{})".format(word))else:if word.isalpha() and word[0].isalpha():result.append("(标识符--10,{})".format(word))

这个函数用于对单个词法单元进行分类和标记。它根据 token_map 字典中的定义和一些硬编码的规则来判断词法单元的类型,并将结果添加到 result 列表中。

定义词法分析函数 lexical_analysis

def lexical_analysis(input_code):token_map = {"int": 1,"float": 2,"double": 1,"char": 1,"if": 3,"then": 1,"else": 1,"switch": 4,"case": 1,"break": 1,"continue": 1,"while": 5,"do": 6,"for": 1}lines = input_code.splitlines()result = []for line in lines:words = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z_]+|\d+|\S', line)  # Split words based on alphabets, digits, or non-whitespace charactersfor word in words:pos = re.search(r'[;=\+\-\*/<>]', word)  # Find operator symbols in the wordif pos is not None:start = pos.start()if start != 0:analyze_token(word[:start], token_map, result)op = word[start]  # Get operator symbolanalyze_token(op, token_map, result)if start < len(word) - 1:analyze_token(word[start + 1:], token_map, result)else:analyze_token(word, token_map, result)return "Lexical Tokens: " + ", ".join(result)


  1. 定义了一个 token_map 字典,用于存储保留字及其对应的标记。
  2. 将输入代码按行分割。
  3. 使用正则表达式将每行代码分割成单词和符号。
  4. 对每个单词和符号进行分析,调用 analyze_token 函数进行分类和标记。
  5. 最终返回一个包含所有词法单元及其标记的字符串。


# a="""
# int a = 10;float b = 5.5;if (a < b) {
# cout << "a is less than b" << endl;}else if (a == b){
# cout << "a is equal to b" <<endl;}else {
# cout << "a is greater than b" << endl;)
# """
# print(lexical_analysis(a))

这个部分的代码被注释掉了,但它展示了如何使用 lexical_analysis 函数对一段代码进行词法分析,并打印结果。




这个 ll1_analysis.py 文件实现了一个 LL(1) 语法分析器,用于分析输入的表达式并输出分析过程。以下是对代码的详细解释:

定义 Type

class Type:def __init__(self):self.origin = 'N'  # 产生式左侧字符 大写字符self.array = ""  # 产生式右边字符self.length = 0  # 字符个数def init(self, a, b):self.origin = aself.array = bself.length = len(self.array)

Type 类用于存储产生式的信息,包括左侧字符、右侧字符和字符的长度。


def is_terminator(c):# 判断是否是终结符v1 = "i+*()#"return c in v1



def init(exp):ridx = 0len_exp = len(exp)rest_stack = list(exp)return ridx, len_exp, rest_stack



def print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp, rest_stack):output = ''.join(analyze_stack[:top + 1]) + ' ' * (20 - top)for i in range(ridx):output += ' 'for i in range(ridx, len_exp):output += rest_stack[i]output += '\t\t\t'return output



def analyze(exp):v1 = "i+*()#"  # 终结符v2 = "EGTSF"  # 非终结符e = Type()t = Type()g = Type()g1 = Type()s = Type()s1 = Type()f = Type()f1 = Type()e.init('E', "TG")t.init('T', "FS")g.init('G', "+TG")g1.init('G', "^")s.init('S', "*FS")s1.init('S', "^")f.init('F', "(E)")f1.init('F', "i")C = [[Type() for _ in range(10)] for _ in range(10)]C[0][0] = C[0][3] = eC[1][1] = gC[1][4] = C[1][5] = g1C[2][0] = C[2][3] = tC[3][2] = sC[3][4] = C[3][5] = C[3][1] = s1C[4][0] = f1C[4][3] = fanalyze_stack = [' ' for _ in range(20)]output_str = ""ridx, len_exp, rest_stack = init(exp)top = 0analyze_stack[top] = '#'top += 1analyze_stack[top] = 'E'  # '#','E'进栈output_str += "步骤\t\t分析栈 \t\t\t\t\t剩余字符 \t\t\t\t所用产生式\n"k = 0while True:ch = rest_stack[ridx]x = analyze_stack[top]top -= 1  # x为当前栈顶字符output_str += str(k + 1).ljust(8)if x == '#':output_str += "分析成功!AC!\n"  # 接受return output_strif is_terminator(x):if x == ch:  # 匹配上了output_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp, rest_stack) + ch + "匹配\n"ridx += 1  # 下一个输入字符else:  # 出错处理output_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp,rest_stack) + "分析出错,错误终结符为" + ch + "\n"  # 输出出错终结符return output_strelse:  # 非终结符处理m = v2.find(x) if x in v2 else -1  # 非终结符下标n = v1.find(ch) if ch in v1 else -1  # 终结符下标if m == -1 or n == -1:  # 出错处理output_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp,rest_stack) + "分析出错,错误非终结符为" + x + "\n"return output_strelif C[m][n].origin == 'N':  # 无产生式output_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp,rest_stack) + "分析出错,无法找到对应的产生式\n"  # 输出无产生式错误return output_strelse:  # 有产生式length = C[m][n].lengthtemp = C[m][n].arrayoutput_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp,rest_stack) + x + "->" + temp + "\n"  # 输出所用产生式for i in range(length - 1, -1, -1):if temp[i] != '^':top += 1analyze_stack[top] = temp[i]  # 将右端字符逆序进栈k += 1

这个函数实现了 LL(1) 语法分析的主要逻辑:

  1. 定义了终结符和非终结符。
  2. 定义并初始化了各种产生式。
  3. 构建了预测分析表 C
  4. 初始化分析栈,并将 #E 压入栈中。
  5. 循环处理输入的表达式,进行匹配和产生式替换,直到分析成功或出错。

LL1 分析函数

def ll1_analysis(exp):output_str = analyze(exp)expressions = ["i+i*i#","i*i+i#","i+i*(i+i)#","i#"]return output_str

这个函数调用 analyze 函数对输入的表达式进行分析,并返回分析结果。


# if __name__ == "__main__":
#     exp = "i+i*i#"
#     output = ll1_analysis(exp)
#     print(output)

这个部分的代码被注释掉了,但它展示了如何使用 ll1_analysis 函数对一段表达式进行 LL(1) 语法分析,并打印结果。


这个 LL(1) 语法分析器通过定义产生式和预测分析表,实现了对输入表达式的语法分析。它可以识别终结符和非终结符,并根据预测分析表进行匹配和替换,最终输出分析过程和结果。


这个 lr0_analysis.py 文件实现了一个 LR(0) 语法分析器,用于分析输入的字符串并输出分析过程。以下是对代码的详细解释:


def lr0_analysis(input_string):LR0 = [["S2", "S3", "null", "null", "null", "1", "null", "null"],   # 0["null", "null", "null", "null", "acc", "null", "null", "null"],   # 1["null", "null", "S4", "S10", "null", "null", "6", "null"],   # 2["null", "null", "S5", "S11", "null", "null", "null", "7"],   # 3["null", "null", "S4", "S10", "null", "null", "8", "null"],   # 4["null", "null", "S5", "S11", "null", "null", "null", "9"],   # 5["r1", "r1", "r1", "r1", "r1", "null", "null", "null"],   # 6["r2", "r2", "r2", "r2", "r2", "null", "null", "null"],   # 7["r3", "r3", "r3", "r3", "r3", "null", "null", "null"],   # 8["r5", "r5", "r5", "r5", "r5", "null", "null", "null"],   # 9["r4", "r4", "r4", "r4", "r4", "null", "null", "null"],   # 10["r6", "r6", "r6", "r6", "r6", "null", "null", "null"]]   # 11L = "abcd#EAB"   # 列标签del_rule = [0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1]   # 每个产生式规则的长度head = ['S', 'E', 'E', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B']   # 非终结符号con = [0]   # 状态栈cmp = ['#']   # 符号栈cod = '0'   # 状态栈对应输出字符串signal = ''   # 符号栈对应输出字符串sti = '#'   # 符号栈对应输出字符串def findL(b):"""在L数组中找到列标签的索引。"""for i in range(len(L)):if b == L[i]:return ireturn -1def error(x, y):"""当LR0表中的单元为空时,打印错误消息。"""return f"错误:单元格[{x}, {y}]为空!"def calculate(l, s):"""将LR0表中的数字字符串转换为整数。"""num = int(s[1:l])return numoutput = "步骤     状态栈       符号栈       输入     ACTION     GOTO\n"LR = 0while LR < len(input_string):step_output = f"({LR+1})     {cod}         {sti} "step_output += input_string[LR:] + " " * (10 - (len(input_string) - LR)) + " "x = con[-1]y = findL(input_string[LR])if LR0[x][y] != "null":action = LR0[x][y]l = len(action)if action[0] == 'a':step_output += "acc\n"output += step_outputreturn outputelif action[0] == 'S':step_output += action + "\n"t = calculate(l, action)con.append(t)sti += input_string[LR]cmp.append(input_string[LR])if t < 10:cod += action[1]else:k = 1cod += '('while k < l:cod += action[k]k += 1cod += ')'LR += 1elif action[0] == 'r':step_output += action + " "t = calculate(l, action)g = del_rule[t]while g > 0:con.pop()cmp.pop()sti = sti[:-1]g -= 1g = del_rule[t]while g > 0:if cod[-1] == ')':cod = cod[:-1]while cod[-1] != '(':cod = cod[:-1]cod = cod[:-1]g -= 1else:cod = cod[:-1]g -= 1cmp.append(head[t])sti += head[t]x = con[-1]y = findL(cmp[-1])t = int(LR0[x][y][0])con.append(t)cod += LR0[x][y][0]step_output += str(t) + "\n"else:t = int(LR0[x][y][0])step_output += " " + str(t) + "\n"con.append(t)cod += LR0[x][y][0]sti += 'E'LR += 1else:step_output += error(x, y) + "\n"output += step_outputreturn outputoutput += step_outputreturn output# input_string = "bccd#"
# output = analyze_string(input_string)
# print(output)


初始化 LR(0) 分析表和其他变量
LR0 = [["S2", "S3", "null", "null", "null", "1", "null", "null"],   # 0["null", "null", "null", "null", "acc", "null", "null", "null"],   # 1["null", "null", "S4", "S10", "null", "null", "6", "null"],   # 2["null", "null", "S5", "S11", "null", "null", "null", "7"],   # 3["null", "null", "S4", "S10", "null", "null", "8", "null"],   # 4["null", "null", "S5", "S11", "null", "null", "null", "9"],   # 5["r1", "r1", "r1", "r1", "r1", "null", "null", "null"],   # 6["r2", "r2", "r2", "r2", "r2", "null", "null", "null"],   # 7["r3", "r3", "r3", "r3", "r3", "null", "null", "null"],   # 8["r5", "r5", "r5", "r5", "r5", "null", "null", "null"],   # 9["r4", "r4", "r4", "r4", "r4", "null", "null", "null"],   # 10["r6", "r6", "r6", "r6", "r6", "null", "null", "null"]]   # 11L = "abcd#EAB"   # 列标签
del_rule = [0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1]   # 每个产生式规则的长度
head = ['S', 'E', 'E', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B']   # 非终结符号con = [0]   # 状态栈
cmp = ['#']   # 符号栈
cod = '0'   # 状态栈对应输出字符串
signal = ''   # 符号栈对应输出字符串
sti = '#'   # 符号栈对应输出字符串
def findL(b):"""在L数组中找到列标签的索引。"""for i in range(len(L)):if b == L[i]:return ireturn -1def error(x, y):"""当LR0表中的单元为空时,打印错误消息。"""return f"错误:单元格[{x}, {y}]为空!"def calculate(l, s):"""将LR0表中的数字字符串转换为整数。"""num = int(s[1:l])return num
output = "步骤     状态栈       符号栈       输入     ACTION     GOTO\n"
LR = 0
while LR < len(input_string):step_output = f"({LR+1})     {cod}         {sti} "step_output += input_string[LR:] + " " * (10 - (len(input_string) - LR)) + " "x = con[-1]y = findL(input_string[LR])if LR0[x][y] != "null":action = LR0[x][y]l = len(action)if action[0] == 'a':step_output += "acc\n"output += step_outputreturn outputelif action[0] == 'S':step_output += action + "\n"t = calculate(l, action)con.append(t)sti += input_string[LR]cmp.append(input_string[LR])if t < 10:cod += action[1]else:k = 1cod += '('while k < l:cod += action[k]k += 1cod += ')'LR += 1elif action[0] == 'r':step_output += action + " "t = calculate(l, action)g = del_rule[t]while g > 0:con.pop()cmp.pop()sti = sti[:-1]g -= 1g = del_rule[t]while g > 0:if cod[-1] == ')':cod = cod[:-1]while cod[-1] != '(':cod = cod[:-1]cod = cod[:-1]g -= 1else:cod = cod[:-1]g -= 1cmp.append(head[t])sti += head[t]x = con[-1]y = findL(cmp[-1])t = int(LR0[x][y][0])con.append(t)cod += LR0[x][y][0]step_output += str(t) + "\n"else:t = int(LR0[x][y][0])step_output += " " + str(t) + "\n"con.append(t)cod += LR0[x][y][0]sti += 'E'LR += 1else:step_output += error(x, y) + "\n"output += step_outputreturn outputoutput += step_outputreturn output


这个 LR(0) 语法分析器通过定义 LR(0) 分析表和相关的辅助函数,实现了对输入字符串的语法分析。它可以识别输入字符串中的终结符和非终结符,并根据 LR(0) 分析表进行匹配和替换,最终输出分析过程和结果。


这个 operator_precedence_analysis.py 文件实现了一个算符优先分析器,用于分析输入的表达式并输出分析过程。以下是对代码的详细解释:


def operator_precedence_analysis(input_str):priority = [['>', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>'],['>', '>', '<', '<', '>', '>'],['>', '>', '$', '$', '>', '>'],['<', '<', '<', '<', '=', '$'],['>', '>', '$', '$', '>', '>'],['<', '<', '<', '<', '$', '=']]def testchar(x):if x == '+':return 0elif x == '*':return 1elif x == 'i':return 2elif x == '(':return 3elif x == ')':return 4elif x == '#':return 5else:return -1def remainString(remaining_input):return remaining_input[1:]output_str = ""output_str += "文法为:\n"output_str += "(0)E'->#E#\n"output_str += "(1)E->E+T\n"output_str += "(2)E->T\n"output_str += "(3)T->T*F\n"output_str += "(4)T->F\n"output_str += "(5)F->(E)\n"output_str += "(6)F->i\n"output_str += "-----------------------------------------\n"output_str += "           算符优先关系表                \n"output_str += "     +   *   i   (   )   #               \n"output_str += " +   >   <   <   <   >   >               \n"output_str += " *   >   >   <   <   >   >               \n"output_str += " i   >   >           >   >               \n"output_str += " (   <   <   <   <   =                   \n"output_str += " )   >   >           >   >               \n"output_str += " #   <   <   <   <       =               \n"output_str += "-----------------------------------------\n"input_lines = [input_str + '#']for input_str in input_lines:input = list(input_str)k = 0AnalyseStack = ['#']rem = input[1:]i = 0f = len(input)count = 0output_str += "\n步骤\t  符号栈\t  优先关系\t  输入串\t  移进或归约\n"while i <= f:a = input[i]if i == 0:rem = remainString(rem)if AnalyseStack[k] in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:j = kelse:j = k - 1z = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])if a in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:n = testchar(a)else:output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_strp = priority[z][n]if p == '$':output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_strif p == '>':while True:Q = AnalyseStack[j]if AnalyseStack[j - 1] in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:j = j - 1else:j = j - 2z1 = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])n1 = testchar(Q)p1 = priority[z1][n1]if p1 == '<':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    约归".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k = j + 1i -= 1AnalyseStack[k] = 'N'AnalyseStack = AnalyseStack[:k + 1]breakelse:continueelse:if p == '<':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    移进".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a,''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k += 1AnalyseStack.append(a)rem = remainString(rem)elif p == '=':z2 = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])n2 = testchar('#')p2 = priority[z2][n2]if p2 == '=':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    接受".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"output_str += "该句子是该文法的合法句子。\n"breakelse:count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    移进".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k += 1AnalyseStack.append(a)rem = remainString(rem)else:output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_stri += 1return output_str# # Example usage:
# input_str = "i+i*i"
# output_str = operator_precedence_analysis(input_str)
# print(output_str)


priority = [['>', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>'],['>', '>', '<', '<', '>', '>'],['>', '>', '$', '$', '>', '>'],['<', '<', '<', '<', '=', '$'],['>', '>', '$', '$', '>', '>'],['<', '<', '<', '<', '$', '=']
]def testchar(x):if x == '+':return 0elif x == '*':return 1elif x == 'i':return 2elif x == '(':return 3elif x == ')':return 4elif x == '#':return 5else:return -1def remainString(remaining_input):return remaining_input[1:]
output_str = ""output_str += "文法为:\n"
output_str += "(0)E'->#E#\n"
output_str += "(1)E->E+T\n"
output_str += "(2)E->T\n"
output_str += "(3)T->T*F\n"
output_str += "(4)T->F\n"
output_str += "(5)F->(E)\n"
output_str += "(6)F->i\n"
output_str += "-----------------------------------------\n"
output_str += "           算符优先关系表                \n"
output_str += "     +   *   i   (   )   #               \n"
output_str += " +   >   <   <   <   >   >               \n"
output_str += " *   >   >   <   <   >   >               \n"
output_str += " i   >   >           >   >               \n"
output_str += " (   <   <   <   <   =                   \n"
output_str += " )   >   >           >   >               \n"
output_str += " #   <   <   <   <       =               \n"
output_str += "-----------------------------------------\n"
input_lines = [input_str + '#']for input_str in input_lines:input = list(input_str)k = 0AnalyseStack = ['#']rem = input[1:]i = 0f = len(input)count = 0output_str += "\n步骤\t  符号栈\t  优先关系\t  输入串\t  移进或归约\n"while i <= f:a = input[i]if i == 0:rem = remainString(rem)if AnalyseStack[k] in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:j = kelse:j = k - 1z = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])if a in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:n = testchar(a)else:output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_strp = priority[z][n]if p == '$':output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_strif p == '>':while True:Q = AnalyseStack[j]if AnalyseStack[j - 1] in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:j = j - 1else:j = j - 2z1 = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])n1 = testchar(Q)p1 = priority[z1][n1]if p1 == '<':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    约归".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k = j + 1i -= 1AnalyseStack[k] = 'N'AnalyseStack = AnalyseStack[:k + 1]breakelse:continueelse:if p == '<':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    移进".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a,''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k += 1AnalyseStack.append(a)rem = remainString(rem)elif p == '=':z2 = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])n2 = testchar('#')p2 = priority[z2][n2]if p2 == '=':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    接受".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"output_str += "该句子是该文法的合法句子。\n"breakelse:count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    移进".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k += 1AnalyseStack.append(a)rem = remainString(rem)else:output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_stri += 1return output_str





"""NAME : lexical_analysisUSER : adminDATE : 6/5/2024PROJECT_NAME : sf50CSDN : friklogff
"""# 在 all/analysis_functions/lexical_analysis.py 文件中
# # 在 all/analysis_functions/lexical_analysis.py 文件中
# # 在 all/analysis_functions/lexical_analysis.py 文件中
# import re
# # 令牌代码字典
# TOKENS = {
#     "int": "保留字",
#     "float": "浮点类型",
#     "if": "if关键字",
#     "<": "小于",
#     "<=": "小于等于",
#     "switch": "switch关键字",
#     "==": "等于",
#     "while": "while关键字",
#     "!=": "不等于",
#     "do": "do关键字",
#     ">": "大于",
#     ">=": "大于等于",
#     ";": "分号",
#     "+": "加号",
#     "-": "减号",
#     "*": "乘号",
#     "/": "除号",
#     "=": "赋值"
# }
# def is_identifier(token):
#     # 使用正则表达式检查是否是标识符
#     return re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', token) is not None
# def lexical_analysis(input_code):
#     """
#     执行词法分析的简化函数。
#     此函数通过非字母数字字符将输入代码分割为词汇单元(tokens)。
#     """
#     tokens = re.split(r'(\W+)', input_code)
#     result_list = []
#     for token in tokens:
#         if token == "int" or token == "float":
#             result_list.append(("保留字", token))
#         elif token == "if" or token == "else" or token == "switch" or token == "while" or token == "do":
#             result_list.append((token + "关键字", token))
#         elif token == "<" or token == "<=" or token == "==" or token == "!=" or token == ">" or token == ">=" or token == "=":
#             result_list.append(("比较运算符", token))
#         elif token == "+" or token == "-" or token == "*" or token == "/":
#             result_list.append(("算术运算符", token))
#         elif token == ";" or token == "{" or token == "}" or token == "(" or token == ")":
#             result_list.append(("界定符", token))
#         elif token.isdigit():
#             result_list.append(("整数常量", token))
#         elif is_identifier(token):
#             result_list.append(("标识符", token))
#     return result_listimport redef analyze_token(word, token_map, result):if word in token_map:result.append("(保留字--{},{})".format(token_map[word], word))elif word == ";":result.append("(分号--26,{})".format(word))elif word == "=":result.append("(等号--17,{})".format(word))elif word == "+":result.append("(加号--13,{})".format(word))elif word == "-":result.append("(减号--14,{})".format(word))elif word == "*":result.append("(乘号--15,{})".format(word))elif word == "/":result.append("(除号--16,{})".format(word))elif word == "<":result.append("(小于--20,{})".format(word))elif word == ">":result.append("(大于--24,{})".format(word))elif word == "==":result.append("(等于--22,{})".format(word))elif word == "!=":result.append("(不等于--23,{})".format(word))elif word == "<=":result.append("(小于等于--21,{})".format(word))elif word == ">=":result.append("(大于等于--25,{})".format(word))elif word.isdigit():result.append("(整数--11,{})".format(word))else:if word.isalpha() and word[0].isalpha():result.append("(标识符--10,{})".format(word))def lexical_analysis(input_code):token_map = {"int": 1,"float": 2,"double": 1,"char": 1,"if": 3,"then": 1,"else": 1,"switch": 4,"case": 1,"break": 1,"continue": 1,"while": 5,"do": 6,"for": 1}lines = input_code.splitlines()result = []for line in lines:words = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z_]+|\d+|\S', line)  # Split words based on alphabets, digits, or non-whitespace charactersfor word in words:pos = re.search(r'[;=\+\-\*/<>]', word)  # Find operator symbols in the wordif pos is not None:start = pos.start()if start != 0:analyze_token(word[:start], token_map, result)op = word[start]  # Get operator symbolanalyze_token(op, token_map, result)if start < len(word) - 1:analyze_token(word[start + 1:], token_map, result)else:analyze_token(word, token_map, result)return "Lexical Tokens: " + ", ".join(result)# a="""
# int a = 10;float b = 5.5;if (a < b) {
# cout << "a is less than b" << endl;}else if (a == b){
# cout << "a is equal to b" <<endl;}else {
# cout << "a is greater than b" << endl;)
# """
# print(lexical_analysis(a))


class Type:def __init__(self):self.origin = 'N'  # 产生式左侧字符 大写字符self.array = ""  # 产生式右边字符self.length = 0  # 字符个数def init(self, a, b):self.origin = aself.array = bself.length = len(self.array)def is_terminator(c):# 判断是否是终结符v1 = "i+*()#"return c in v1def init(exp):ridx = 0len_exp = len(exp)rest_stack = list(exp)return ridx, len_exp, rest_stackdef print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp, rest_stack):output = ''.join(analyze_stack[:top + 1]) + ' ' * (20 - top)for i in range(ridx):output += ' 'for i in range(ridx, len_exp):output += rest_stack[i]output += '\t\t\t'return outputdef analyze(exp):v1 = "i+*()#"  # 终结符v2 = "EGTSF"  # 非终结符e = Type()t = Type()g = Type()g1 = Type()s = Type()s1 = Type()f = Type()f1 = Type()e.init('E', "TG")t.init('T', "FS")g.init('G', "+TG")g1.init('G', "^")s.init('S', "*FS")s1.init('S', "^")f.init('F', "(E)")f1.init('F', "i")C = [[Type() for _ in range(10)] for _ in range(10)]C[0][0] = C[0][3] = eC[1][1] = gC[1][4] = C[1][5] = g1C[2][0] = C[2][3] = tC[3][2] = sC[3][4] = C[3][5] = C[3][1] = s1C[4][0] = f1C[4][3] = fanalyze_stack = [' ' for _ in range(20)]output_str = ""ridx, len_exp, rest_stack = init(exp)top = 0analyze_stack[top] = '#'top += 1analyze_stack[top] = 'E'  # '#','E'进栈output_str += "步骤\t\t分析栈 \t\t\t\t\t剩余字符 \t\t\t\t所用产生式\n"k = 0while True:ch = rest_stack[ridx]x = analyze_stack[top]top -= 1  # x为当前栈顶字符output_str += str(k + 1).ljust(8)if x == '#':output_str += "分析成功!AC!\n"  # 接受return output_strif is_terminator(x):if x == ch:  # 匹配上了output_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp, rest_stack) + ch + "匹配\n"ridx += 1  # 下一个输入字符else:  # 出错处理output_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp,rest_stack) + "分析出错,错误终结符为" + ch + "\n"  # 输出出错终结符return output_strelse:  # 非终结符处理m = v2.find(x) if x in v2 else -1  # 非终结符下标n = v1.find(ch) if ch in v1 else -1  # 终结符下标if m == -1 or n == -1:  # 出错处理output_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp,rest_stack) + "分析出错,错误非终结符为" + x + "\n"return output_strelif C[m][n].origin == 'N':  # 无产生式output_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp,rest_stack) + "分析出错,无法找到对应的产生式\n"  # 输出无产生式错误return output_strelse:  # 有产生式length = C[m][n].lengthtemp = C[m][n].arrayoutput_str += print_stack(analyze_stack, top, ridx, len_exp,rest_stack) + x + "->" + temp + "\n"  # 输出所用产生式for i in range(length - 1, -1, -1):if temp[i] != '^':top += 1analyze_stack[top] = temp[i]  # 将右端字符逆序进栈k += 1def ll1_analysis(exp):output_str = analyze(exp)expressions = ["i+i*i#","i*i+i#","i+i*(i+i)#","i#"]return output_str# if __name__ == "__main__":
#     exp = "i+i*i#"
#     output = ll1_analysis(exp)
#     print(output)


def lr0_analysis(input_string):LR0 = [["S2", "S3", "null", "null", "null", "1", "null", "null"],   # 0["null", "null", "null", "null", "acc", "null", "null", "null"],   # 1["null", "null", "S4", "S10", "null", "null", "6", "null"],   # 2["null", "null", "S5", "S11", "null", "null", "null", "7"],   # 3["null", "null", "S4", "S10", "null", "null", "8", "null"],   # 4["null", "null", "S5", "S11", "null", "null", "null", "9"],   # 5["r1", "r1", "r1", "r1", "r1", "null", "null", "null"],   # 6["r2", "r2", "r2", "r2", "r2", "null", "null", "null"],   # 7["r3", "r3", "r3", "r3", "r3", "null", "null", "null"],   # 8["r5", "r5", "r5", "r5", "r5", "null", "null", "null"],   # 9["r4", "r4", "r4", "r4", "r4", "null", "null", "null"],   # 10["r6", "r6", "r6", "r6", "r6", "null", "null", "null"]]   # 11L = "abcd#EAB"   # 列标签del_rule = [0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1]   # 每个产生式规则的长度head = ['S', 'E', 'E', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B']   # 非终结符号con = [0]   # 状态栈cmp = ['#']   # 符号栈cod = '0'   # 状态栈对应输出字符串signal = ''   # 符号栈对应输出字符串sti = '#'   # 符号栈对应输出字符串def findL(b):"""在L数组中找到列标签的索引。"""for i in range(len(L)):if b == L[i]:return ireturn -1def error(x, y):"""当LR0表中的单元为空时,打印错误消息。"""return f"错误:单元格[{x}, {y}]为空!"def calculate(l, s):"""将LR0表中的数字字符串转换为整数。"""num = int(s[1:l])return numoutput = "步骤     状态栈       符号栈       输入     ACTION     GOTO\n"LR = 0while LR < len(input_string):step_output = f"({LR+1})     {cod}         {sti} "step_output += input_string[LR:] + " " * (10 - (len(input_string) - LR)) + " "x = con[-1]y = findL(input_string[LR])if LR0[x][y] != "null":action = LR0[x][y]l = len(action)if action[0] == 'a':step_output += "acc\n"output += step_outputreturn outputelif action[0] == 'S':step_output += action + "\n"t = calculate(l, action)con.append(t)sti += input_string[LR]cmp.append(input_string[LR])if t < 10:cod += action[1]else:k = 1cod += '('while k < l:cod += action[k]k += 1cod += ')'LR += 1elif action[0] == 'r':step_output += action + " "t = calculate(l, action)g = del_rule[t]while g > 0:con.pop()cmp.pop()sti = sti[:-1]g -= 1g = del_rule[t]while g > 0:if cod[-1] == ')':cod = cod[:-1]while cod[-1] != '(':cod = cod[:-1]cod = cod[:-1]g -= 1else:cod = cod[:-1]g -= 1cmp.append(head[t])sti += head[t]x = con[-1]y = findL(cmp[-1])t = int(LR0[x][y][0])con.append(t)cod += LR0[x][y][0]step_output += str(t) + "\n"else:t = int(LR0[x][y][0])step_output += " " + str(t) + "\n"con.append(t)cod += LR0[x][y][0]sti += 'E'LR += 1else:step_output += error(x, y) + "\n"output += step_outputreturn outputoutput += step_outputreturn output# input_string = "bccd#"
# output = analyze_string(input_string)
# print(output)


"""NAME : operator_precedence_analysisUSER : adminDATE : 6/5/2024PROJECT_NAME : sf50CSDN : friklogff
"""# 在 all/analysis_functions/operator_precedence_analysis.py 文件中# def operator_precedence_analysis(grammar, sentence):
#     """
#     A simplified function to mock Operator Precedence analysis.
#     """
#     return f"Operator Precedence Analysis Result: Grammar - {grammar}, Sentence - {sentence}"
def operator_precedence_analysis(input_str):priority = [['>', '<', '<', '<', '>', '>'],['>', '>', '<', '<', '>', '>'],['>', '>', '$', '$', '>', '>'],['<', '<', '<', '<', '=', '$'],['>', '>', '$', '$', '>', '>'],['<', '<', '<', '<', '$', '=']]def testchar(x):if x == '+':return 0elif x == '*':return 1elif x == 'i':return 2elif x == '(':return 3elif x == ')':return 4elif x == '#':return 5else:return -1def remainString(remaining_input):return remaining_input[1:]output_str = ""output_str += "文法为:\n"output_str += "(0)E'->#E#\n"output_str += "(1)E->E+T\n"output_str += "(2)E->T\n"output_str += "(3)T->T*F\n"output_str += "(4)T->F\n"output_str += "(5)F->(E)\n"output_str += "(6)F->i\n"output_str += "-----------------------------------------\n"output_str += "           算符优先关系表                \n"output_str += "     +   *   i   (   )   #               \n"output_str += " +   >   <   <   <   >   >               \n"output_str += " *   >   >   <   <   >   >               \n"output_str += " i   >   >           >   >               \n"output_str += " (   <   <   <   <   =                   \n"output_str += " )   >   >           >   >               \n"output_str += " #   <   <   <   <       =               \n"output_str += "-----------------------------------------\n"input_lines = [input_str + '#']for input_str in input_lines:input = list(input_str)k = 0AnalyseStack = ['#']rem = input[1:]i = 0f = len(input)count = 0output_str += "\n步骤\t  符号栈\t  优先关系\t  输入串\t  移进或归约\n"while i <= f:a = input[i]if i == 0:rem = remainString(rem)if AnalyseStack[k] in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:j = kelse:j = k - 1z = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])if a in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:n = testchar(a)else:output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_strp = priority[z][n]if p == '$':output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_strif p == '>':while True:Q = AnalyseStack[j]if AnalyseStack[j - 1] in ['+', '*', 'i', '(', ')', '#']:j = j - 1else:j = j - 2z1 = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])n1 = testchar(Q)p1 = priority[z1][n1]if p1 == '<':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    约归".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k = j + 1i -= 1AnalyseStack[k] = 'N'AnalyseStack = AnalyseStack[:k + 1]breakelse:continueelse:if p == '<':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    移进".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a,''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k += 1AnalyseStack.append(a)rem = remainString(rem)elif p == '=':z2 = testchar(AnalyseStack[j])n2 = testchar('#')p2 = priority[z2][n2]if p2 == '=':count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    接受".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"output_str += "该句子是该文法的合法句子。\n"breakelse:count += 1output = "({})\t  {}\t       {}\t      {}\t        {:17}\t    移进".format(count,' '.join(AnalyseStack),p, a, ''.join(rem))output_str += output + "\n"k += 1AnalyseStack.append(a)rem = remainString(rem)else:output_str += "错误!该句子不是该文法的合法句子!"return output_stri += 1return output_str# # Example usage:
# input_str = "i+i*i"
# output_str = operator_precedence_analysis(input_str)
# print(output_str)


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import gradio as grfrom all.analysis_functions.lexical_analysis import lexical_analysis
from all.analysis_functions.ll1_analysis import ll1_analysis
from all.analysis_functions.lr0_analysis import lr0_analysis
from all.analysis_functions.operator_precedence_analysis import operator_precedence_analysis# Define your input and output components for the Gradio interface
with gr.Blocks() as demo:# 词法分析标签with gr.Tab("词法分析"):lex_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入源代码")lex_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")lex_button = gr.components.Button("开始分析")lex_button.click(lexical_analysis, inputs=lex_input, outputs=lex_output)with gr.Column():  # 右边一列是输出gr.Examples(examples=[["""int a = 10;float b = 5.5;if (a < b) {cout << "a is less than b" << endl;}else if (a == b){cout << "a is equal to b" <<endl;}else {cout << "a is greater than b" << endl;)"""],["""int x = 5; int y = 10; int z = x + y;"""],["""for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {cout << i << endl;}"""],["""int a = 5;int b = 10;int c = a * b;cout << c << endl;"""],],inputs=lex_input)# LL1语法分析标签with gr.Tab("LL1语法分析"):# ll1_grammar_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入文法")ll1_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")ll1_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")ll1_button = gr.components.Button("使用LL1进行分析")# ll1_button.click(ll1_analysis, inputs=[ll1_grammar_input, ll1_sentence_input], outputs=ll1_output)ll1_button.click(ll1_analysis, inputs=[ll1_sentence_input], outputs=ll1_output)with gr.Column():  # 右边一列是输出gr.Examples(examples=[["i+i*i#"],["i*i+i#"],["i+i*(i+i)#"],["i#"],],inputs=ll1_sentence_input)# 算符优先语法分析标签with gr.Tab("算符优先语法分析"):# op_grammar_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入文法")op_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")op_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")op_button = gr.components.Button("使用算符优先方法进行分析")# op_button.click(operator_precedence_analysis, inputs=[op_grammar_input, op_sentence_input], outputs=op_output)op_button.click(operator_precedence_analysis, inputs=[op_sentence_input], outputs=op_output)with gr.Column():  # 右边一列是输出gr.Examples(examples=[["i+i*i#"],["i+(i*i)#"],["i+i*(i+i)#"],["i+(i*ii)#"],],inputs=op_sentence_input)# LR0语法分析标签with gr.Tab("LR0语法分析"):# lr0_grammar_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入文法")lr0_sentence_input = gr.components.Textbox(label="请输入句子")lr0_output = gr.components.Textbox(label="分析结果")lr0_button = gr.components.Button("使用LR0进行分析")# lr0_button.click(lr0_analysis, inputs=[lr0_grammar_input, lr0_sentence_input], outputs=lr0_output)lr0_button.click(lr0_analysis, inputs=[lr0_sentence_input], outputs=lr0_output)with gr.Column():  # 右边一列是输出gr.Examples(examples=[["bccd#"],["bccdd#"],["bdd#"],["E#"],],inputs=lr0_sentence_input)




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题意:给一串数字1,2,......n,两个操作:1、修改第k个数字,2、查询区间[l,r]中与n互质的数之和。 解题思路:咱一看,像线段树,但是如果用线段树做,那么每个区间一定要记录所有的素因子,这样会超内存。然后我就做不来了。后来看了题解,原来是用容斥原理来做的。还记得这道题目吗?求区间[1,r]中与p互质的数的个数,如果不会的话就先去做那题吧。现在这题是求区间[l,r]中与n互质的数的和