OK6410A 开发板 (三) 11 u-boot-2021.01 boot 解析 U-boot 镜像运行部分 命令的执行

本文主要是介绍OK6410A 开发板 (三) 11 u-boot-2021.01 boot 解析 U-boot 镜像运行部分 命令的执行,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

  • 1 命令的注册(以help为例)
cmd/help.c10 static int do_help(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,                    11            char *const argv[])                                                   12 {                                                                                13 #ifdef CONFIG_CMDLINE                                                            14     struct cmd_tbl *start = ll_entry_start(struct cmd_tbl, cmd);                 15     const int len = ll_entry_count(struct cmd_tbl, cmd);                         16     return _do_help(start, len, cmdtp, flag, argc, argv);                        17 #else                                                                            18     return 0;                                                                    19 #endif                                                                           20 }                                                                                21                                                                                  22 U_BOOT_CMD(                                                                      23     help,   CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1,  do_help,                                     24     "print command description/usage",                                           25     "\n"                                                                         26     "   - print brief description of all commands\n"                             27     "help command ...\n"                                                         28     "   - print detailed usage of 'command'"                                     29 );                                                                               ----------------------- 以上的代码展开为以下代码
----------------------- 具体怎么注册以及怎么查找的请参考 __attribute__
----------------------- __attribute__ demo : https://github.com/lisider/attribute_samplestatic int do_help(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,char *const argv[])
{struct cmd_tbl *start = ({ static char start[0] __attribute__((__aligned__(4))) __attribute__((unused, section(".u_boot_list_2_""cmd""_1"))); (struct cmd_tbl *)&start; });const int len = ({ struct cmd_tbl *start = ({ static char start[0] __attribute__((__aligned__(4))) __attribute__((unused, section(".u_boot_list_2_""cmd""_1"))); (struct cmd_tbl *)&start; }); struct cmd_tbl *end = ({ static char end[0] __attribute__((__aligned__(4))) __attribute__((unused, section(".u_boot_list_2_""cmd""_3"))); (struct cmd_tbl *)&end; }); unsigned int _ll_result = end - start; _ll_result; });return _do_help(start, len, cmdtp, flag, argc, argv);}struct cmd_tbl _u_boot_list_2_cmd_2_help __attribute__((__aligned__(4))) __attribute__((unused, section(".u_boot_list_2_""cmd""_2_""help"))) = { "help", 16, 1 ? cmd_always_repeatable : cmd_never_repeatable, do_help, "print command description/usage", "\n" "	- print brief description of all commands\n" "help command ...\n" "	- print detailed usage of 'command'", 
# 22 "../cmd/help.c" 3 4
((void *)0)
# 22 "../cmd/help.c"
, };
  • 2 命令的调用

cmd_call  被调用的时机1. bootcmd2. cmdline所有的命令的调用都是  cmd_call 调用的 // cmd_call  不直接调用 do_xxx以help 为例 , do_help的调用堆栈为 
cmd_callcmd_always_repeatable // 以该 字符串为关键字 在  全文搜索do_helpcommon/command.c 564-585
564 /**                                                                              
565  * Call a command function. This should be the only route in U-Boot to call      
566  * a command, so that we can track whether we are waiting for input or           
567  * executing a command.                                                          
568  *                                                                               
569  * @param cmdtp     Pointer to the command to execute                            
570  * @param flag      Some flags normally 0 (see CMD_FLAG_.. above)                
571  * @param argc      Number of arguments (arg 0 must be the command text)         
572  * @param argv      Arguments                                                    
573  * @param repeatable    Can the command be repeated                              
574  * @return 0 if command succeeded, else non-zero (CMD_RET_...)                   
575  */                                                                              
576 static int cmd_call(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,                   
577             char *const argv[], int *repeatable)                                 
578 {                                                                                
579     int result;                                                                  
581     result = cmdtp->cmd_rep(cmdtp, flag, argc, argv, repeatable);                
582     if (result)                                                                  
583         debug("Command failed, result=%d\n", result);                            
584     return result;                                                               
585 }  
  • 3 命令的执行(以help为例)
cmd/help.c// 想怎么写,就怎么写10 static int do_help(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,                    11            char *const argv[])                                                   12 {                                                                                13 #ifdef CONFIG_CMDLINE                                                            14     struct cmd_tbl *start = ll_entry_start(struct cmd_tbl, cmd);                 15     const int len = ll_entry_count(struct cmd_tbl, cmd);                         16     return _do_help(start, len, cmdtp, flag, argc, argv);                        17 #else                                                                            18     return 0;                                                                    19 #endif                                                                           20 }  
  • 4 命令的返回
返回时也是 cmd_call 检查的
命令的返回值1. 正确为02. 错误为非0

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