
Apparent-time hypothesis

In sociolinguistics, the apparent-time hypothesis(显象时间假设) states that age-stratified(年龄分层) variation in a linguistic form is often indicative of a change in progress. That is, if in a survey of a popu

DEX:Deep EXpectation of apparent age from a single image(面部矫正+VGG-16 年龄估计)

文章目录 年龄估计论文阅读《DEX:Deep EXpectation of apparent age from a single image》(2015)网络图数据集和评估方法IMDB-WIKI数据集LAP数据集 评估方法实验结果总结 年龄估计论文阅读《DEX:Deep EXpectation of apparent age from a single image》(2015)