
hdu 6168 模拟+优先队列

zk has n numbers  a1,a2,...,an . For each (i,j) satisfying 1≤i<j≤n, zk generates a new number  (ai+aj) . These new numbers could make up a new sequence  b1,b2,...,bn(n−1)/2 . LsF wants to make

HDU 6168 - Numbers 水题 2017 Multi-University Training Contest - Team 9

题目链接: HDU 6168 - Numbers 题目大意 数组a大小为n, 对于所有 i,j,1≤i<j≤n , 构成一个新数字a[i]+a[j], 放到b数组中  最后将两个数组混在一起打乱, 给你打乱后的数, 求原来的a数组 思路 混合数组中最小两个数字一定是a中的数字, 因为没有比它们更小的数字来构成它们  所以用一个multset存储所有数字, 这样每次取出来都是最小的数字

Codeup 6168 问题 A: Speech Patterns (25)

题目链接:http://codeup.cn/problem.php?cid=100000599&pid=0 题目描述 People often have a preference among synonyms of the same word. For example, some may prefer “the police”, while others may prefer “the cops