
UVa 11609 Teams (组合数学)

UVa 11609 Teams 题目大意: 有 n(1≤n≤109) n(1\leq n\leq 10^9)个人,选一个或者多个人参加比赛,其中一名当队长.两种方案相同,当且仅当人员组成和队长相同,问有多少种方案. 输出方案数除以1000000007的余数. 题目分析: (推个式子都要推半天,吃枣药丸) 当选择1个人的时候有 C1n C_{n}^{1}种方案,每种方案队长安排有1种

uva 11609 Teams

原题: In a galaxy far far away there is an ancient game played among the planets. The specialty of the game is that there is no limitation on the number of players in each team, as long as there is a c